Wednesday, March 2, 2011

WonderFULL Wednesday- Transfusions and Kudzu.....Curious?

As you wonder if I have completely lost my mind over a tangential esoteric post title......what comes to your mind as you read the narrative?  Hang in there with me, I promise the metaphor is fun!

Transfusion is defined as the transfer of blood from one person into another to stabilize blood volume, increase hemoglobin levels and/ or combat a nurse I love to be a patient advocate and often  will put medical lingo that can be a foreign language into everyday words.....


Transfusion is when a lovely person gives a part of their soul and heart and being to another to bring life, increase in joy and energy, reassure that all will be okay, A GIFT of Life, Energy and LOVE!!!!  The heart beats a little quicker with a flutter of, "Someone cares about me..."

Roxy was very excited to be used as the model as a state of the ART iv pole......If you look closely at the bag of "juicy" blood, it is B POSITIVE...

Have you ever thought of your sewing machine as an IV pump of goodness and notice how uplifted or excited or rejuvenated you feel as you begin sewing after a time of being away......

My primitive project is coming along and as I work on it I think of....
While an enemy for many in the South......its capability to grow anywhere and very quickly....known to "grow a foot at night" a beautiful snaking metaphor for love and circulation....

May your Wednesday be a day where you are blessed with WonderFULLness may love be as a kudzu vine in your life.....CELEBRATE with me in the comments if you receive a TRANSFUSION of love from someone......

There is a lifeline in Blogland that is life saving and fills us with energy and support- CHEERS!!!!

Love, Em


West Michigan Quilter said...

What a great post! I never thought about it before but my sewing machine is my transfusion to life. And my fabric is the life's blood running through it! You are so clever. Love your Judzu quilt. Coming along nicely.

Mary Keasler said...

I am trying to think of an appropriate comment. I am completely speechless at your wisdom. To think of comparing kudzu and transfusions . . . . I bow at your feet.

Sujata Shah said...

I am going to have to google kudzu! Didn't know about it!
Sewing machine and transfusions...That about sums it Em! Recharge, rejuvenate everything applies to that machine. You have such lovely ways with words!

Tangos Treasures said...


Patty said...

All I can say is I never expected to see a sewing machine being used as an IV pole. Em you are a delight! B-Positive, yes.