If I am ever asked, "Em, What day sticks out in your mind as a near-perfect day?...as though you had written a wish list and Santa gifted each desire for a Merry day...."
I will smile and think, "The day was October 2, 2011.....it was a wonderFULL day!"

Blessed to be living in Southern Utah, Noah and I were eating cereal for brunch and we decided to make a Sunday drive to the Grand Canyon. Breathtaking and never having been there...it was a sort of pilgrimmage. I thought of my dear friend, Vesuviusmama. We have dreamt of making this drive someday together or a visit to me on her way with the family.....
The beginning of my wonky village of marrying Grinch and Seuss and Unruly lettering, I was reminded how much I love this flavor of creation as I was cutting and piecing. And....I have already remodelled one home and so grateful because now I like it. Drinking coffee now so that more houses will break ground when Noah goes to bed. And for a gift I have been waiting for.....bedtime reading...TONYA... in the magazine, The Quilt Life issue October 2011! It was on the shelf today at Barnes and NOble and I am waiting in suspense until i am bedded down and then will have fun. I hope you have gotten your own copy and are enjoying CELEBRATING! a favorite of all of ours, Tonya the Unruly Quilter!
Love, Em
The Grinch is one of my favorite Christmas stories. Just. Love. It.
Hugs, Deborah
Oh that Santa is such a little monkey, isn't he? And a fun, nice one too! Lovely of him to bring you such a nice gift! My DH went hunting and I am hoping we will have meat in the larder for my gift. When you are unemployed eating off the land..gardening and hunting and fishing become the new pioneering normal. Off to quilt and chun butter and bake bread......hahaha. I do have chickens for eggs, but no cow ;) Come see my improvisational quilt show...gorgeous photos of modern day quilts in an art gallery here in Oregon.
Trying to catch up a bit after being away....
Looks like you have been busy. I am loving the Santa/Grinch idea.
We flew over the Grand Canyon a few days ago and it was gorgeous from up high so I can imagine the view from where you were. It is a spectacular sight.
One day I am going to see the Grand Canyon!!
Beautiful pic of the Grand Canyon!! I think the
Grinch quilt will be very cute. :)
Tonya has been such an inspiration hasn't she?
How was the mag article? Did you see from her site you can go see the Alex show for free? And I can see the blocks I made for the group quilts on the show and they even discuss my MWA HAHAHA block.......how fun!
Well you can not beat the Grand Canyon for grandeur, great pictures Em thanks for sharing them.
Happy sewing
Reminds me of living in Fresno and going up to Yosemite for the afternoon.
I'm glad that thoughts of me were included in your wonderful day. That visit WILL happen!
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