What is the word, phrase, or saying depicted below?
give get
give get
give get
give get
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
CELEBRATING...My "mr. men" at the golf course and a special someone who loves Nature... PRESHY!
I couldn't resist, I saw this book cover and thought of Preshy, although her hair is black in real life....Sometimes I just can't help but celebrate little ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had so much fun making this wonky daisy art piece for her last night and have the binding to add then quilt quilt quilt! She was the "runner up" in the purple wonky star and oak tree contest just because I can't say no to a budding quilter! She is 7.....I used leftover fabrics from the wonky star quilt sent to Pam so that it is like a "sapling" of the "mama quilt"..
And then there was this hilarious book cover that reminds me of my husband and boys.
Isn't this beautiful...pics aren't the best due to using my phone but the beauty shines through. Sean and Noah golfing at our golf course in our community. And I loved sunning on rocks reading COLLABORATIVE QUILTING and MATERIAL OBSESSION.
I cannot CELEBRATE "MY MEN" enough.....
And....THE EASTER QUuilt giveaway still happening...SCROLL down to put in an entry, the current ones are so enlightening!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A "Galatian CELEBRATION"!.....
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering gentleness, goodness, faith!" Galatians 5....
The quilt giveaway continues, see post a couple entries down......
The quilt giveaway continues, see post a couple entries down......
Monday, March 29, 2010
Quilter's First Aid kit....CELEBRATING a giggle with how creative and thoughtful this is! Wish I could take credit for creating the text...
A quilter's survival/first aid kit...
-A Toothpick to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others.
-A rubber band to remind you to be flexible and bounce back from stress
-A bandage to remind you to heal hurt feelings
-A pencil to remind you to list your blessings every day.
-An eraser to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay, you can fix them.
-A stick of chewing gum to remind you to stick with and you can accompish anything.
-A mint to remind you that you are worth a mint.
-Candy kisses to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug every day.
-An herbal tea bag to remind you to relax and take a moment to unwind.
-A favorite quilt blog that is like a friend where you can visit and giggle, sigh and even shed a tear of joy or sadness.
-A match to light a fire to leave a comment on this blog to win a quilt... JUST BECAUSE!!!! A sort of hug from Em....See next post down....
-A Toothpick to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others.
-A rubber band to remind you to be flexible and bounce back from stress
-A bandage to remind you to heal hurt feelings
-A pencil to remind you to list your blessings every day.
-An eraser to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay, you can fix them.
-A stick of chewing gum to remind you to stick with and you can accompish anything.
-A mint to remind you that you are worth a mint.
-Candy kisses to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug every day.
-An herbal tea bag to remind you to relax and take a moment to unwind.
-A favorite quilt blog that is like a friend where you can visit and giggle, sigh and even shed a tear of joy or sadness.
-A match to light a fire to leave a comment on this blog to win a quilt... JUST BECAUSE!!!! A sort of hug from Em....See next post down....
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A quilt giveaway happening and a CELEBRATION..."He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of the upper chambers.."
CELEBRATING THE SUNBEAMS playing in my home!
Little Tink/ God's love, a resident bunny and the
next giveaway quilt ready for quilting...
Bri is a friend I am celebrating with this Psalm and post. I woke up throughout last night thinking of her and wondered what the GODWINK was with my heart so consumed by her? Bri, sending you love!
Some"bunny" is having twins....Amanda is the healthy mom carrying my twin nephews and just got this updated photo this morning! WAHOO, CELEBRATING her health and so grateful that she is willing to survive the discomfort so I can be an auntie in May. If you recall the 2 quilts that I posted for twins, this is them swimming around! I giggle as I think about the quilt giveaway posted at bottom of this page and how I have quoted, "Mom has flown the coop" and "not another peep". Could be a prediction, Kevin and Amanda.....
AND THE BONUS!!!! they are moving to live in Southern Utah so I can spoil them rotten and be Kevin and Amanda's nanny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GIVEAWAY QUILT....rules.....

As Easter approaches I am reminiscent of what it must have been like for Mary to awaken and go to the tomb and find Christ gone. I can imagine the sunshine warming her as she found him....CELEBRATE what comes to mind with the above photos, Easter, and/or Psalm 104 for an entry in the Easter Egg Silly String quilt giveaway. I would delight in any scriptures that are left with the comment reminiscent of Easter and/or sushine. I began the quilt with a reverence in mind but then the silly side of me came out knowing that God and Jesus have a sense of humor. I did not begin the quilt as it finished, but hope that the fun of the quilt will give hope and a smile throughout the coming year, especially when trials come your way and you want to MOLT! Piecing began Sunday morning and the giveaway will close Saturday at midnight.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Pam....CELEBRATING You. We gathered for the announcement and there was a lot of pomp and circumstance....
The final stitches on the binding and so excited to post the winner....This area in my backyard is a favorite haven for me and where I initially thought of this giveaway while reading. And to announce the quilt winner I had a party to CELEBRATE!!!
DRUM ROLL.............
the the quilt giveaway winner is.....

ATTENTION!!!! and NO, this is not a GEIKO commerical. I am here to announce that Pam from Texas is the winner of the WONKY stars oak tree art quilt! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thank you for your lovely comment and to all who participated, I love your time and heart you shared on this post giveaway!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Win this quilt!.....CELEBRATING Kaffe florals, people and places that uplift and inspire us...Feminine funky stars will dance with your joy!
2 blocks quilted and a few to go!
If anyone interested in making this with me, I will make a tutorial with the next one. Just an idea....
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am reminded of why I enjoy sewing with Kaffe Fassett fabrics as I hand quilt for the finishing touches.
I have been distracted with the desire to finish the quilt and gift to a special someone who inspires all that read this post. SO.........may the following quote from "Rain of Gold" inspire you...to leave a comment. I will close the giveaway when the quilt is pieced and I have finished the hand quilting, going quicker then I thought because it is so fun!
Leave as many comments as you would like and may the piece be chosen for you! I hope the following quote is an inspiration to you and cause for CELEBRATION! ENJOY!!!
"...the more I live and see, I'm beginning to think that the most important things in life seem to come to us like, well, in a gift, a vision, a special knowledge so deep inside us that we actually know things before we even know them.....I can tell you, now that I've rested here with my great friend, this mighty oak tree......Here take a good look at my crying tree, and see her mighty limbs, her great trunk, and where her limbs have been broken by fire and lightning, but how she's mended herself. Imagine, all that this tree has been through. Look at her broken places and see the tender new growth that she's sprouted. Look at the great burn that reached the heart of her trunk and yet she withstood that great fire of the meteorite that burned down all the big pines. As sure as this tree lives, so does my heart.....This is my crying tree and ever since we came to this canyon, I've been coming up here when I feel sad or lonely or just too tired to go on. This tree listens to me, giving me strength, breathing new hope and power into my....my very soul.....keeping our faith in God."
Fun Bus photos....
This photo is not like the others....from a different area then the field but couldn't resist posting its beauty!
Always....a silver lining at the end of the day.....
Feels like Valentine's Day.... CELEBRATING LOVE on a Thursday
Just because................... Doesn't it feel good to surprise someone by saying, "I love you!"
Could this be a quilt block? Found the card with cute underwear at Target and thought so cute to add to the post.
Could this be a quilt block? Found the card with cute underwear at Target and thought so cute to add to the post.
Love making mini quilt postcards and every so often I dredge this photo up out of the archives and post.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Wheels on the bus go round and round...IT"S WEDNESDAY!, Jump on the fun bus!
May the whimsy of nature of the bronze and stitched art pieces be omens of beauty for our travels to the wilderness today! The fun bus is being detailed- chips and brownie explosion from last Wednesday's quilt party adventure! I will not be in the area for mustangs today but last time we were forging rivers and loving fields of deer. Today may just be spectacular with sun and steamy stinky feet to check! Off we go!
Erin, The nurse is in the house and she is sending you healing love for your stitched finger, darn rotary blades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The detailing of the fun bus is taking much longer then I anticipated so I drove you all around my hometown for local photos while we sipped coffee.....Felt like I was seeing my home as a tourist, Silly huh?
I LOVE THE "IN WITH THE GOOD"....What is your New Years Resolution for today? I thought I would revisit the resolution thing since it has been a few months since egg- nog and Christmas carols.
Anyone have a CELEBRATION of a good deed today?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Kaffe, I had to do it!I have missed CELEBRATING your florals!!!
A sneak peek at my new quilt that I am addicted to piecing. This is a poor pic of the beginning and I am enamored with it in person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just laid out for general feel and now in a pile on the bed...It will be all I can do to not give it away :>). Hope you enjoy the sneak peek. Everyone pray for my house to sell, a lady has fallen in love with it and tomorrow is a realtor parade through it. The next house chosen will rock for quilt retreats and you will all be invited to the open house..............................
I told myself I would get out of my comfort zone and try something other than wonky stars and guess what...................................I failed and I am so glad I did!
I told myself I would get out of my comfort zone and try something other than wonky stars and guess what...................................I failed and I am so glad I did!
A falcon snacking while I bound Jennifer's giveaway quilt today
This afternoon I was excited to do the hand stitching on Jennifer's giveaway pinwheel quilt binding and get in the mail. As I sat on the side of my work building stitching, I was blessed with 2 falcons in the tree in the parking lot. Above is the female who ate a mouse while a male attempted to woo her. I giggled as she gave him the business as though saying, "Really REALLY! Let me please finish my mouse first..." and so he would fly away then come back and the ritual repeat. What a life, front seat to a nature show, finish a quilt and off to pick up Noah from school.
Loving children by looking them in the eye when talking to them, spending 1 on 1 time, and a tender embrace
I saw the top photo of Disney and children and my first thought was all of the paintings I grew up seeing at church with Christ gathering children around him. I bet Jesus and Disney have a grand time playing at the parks in heaven with children....of all ages!
And the bottom 2 just speak to my heart of love for 1 on 1 time and silly embraces!
Monday, March 22, 2010
A prayer, a mantra, a Godwink....
I had a special experience this morning with a friend and wanted to share this favorite fabric of mine with you as you visit my blog. What was the first things that popped into your mind when you saw it?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
JENNIFER.... Would you be willing to take a Kaffe quilt off my hands?... CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer, Thank you for CELEBRATING your husband and with that meaningful dedication, you are the WINNER of the Kaffe pastel quilt. CONGRATS!!!! Would you like the sunshine rays or pinwheels and a preference on color of binding? The Green Fairy quilted it and you will be in awe when you see the quilting in person! Thank you to all for sharing your wonderful blogs and people who exemplify
a life of CELEBRATION!!!!
Jennifer, pls email your snail mail address and I will send to you this week.
a life of CELEBRATION!!!!
Jennifer, pls email your snail mail address and I will send to you this week.
CELEBRATING Sean's rock'n birthday and wanting to hear your favorite memories....
Who loves birthdays? At our house we love to celebrate them for days and days....and I would love to hear your favorite traditions or birthday memories as you peruse last night's party for Sean. Thanks to all for wishing him a happy celebration and a coming year of fun and good health!
Birthday boy hours into a "ROCK'N" birthday party...... The garage is such a fun place for parties and it definitely looked like a bar this morning.....It is much more fun now then when it was a parking place for cars and boxes :).Darcy and I were in the middle of mayhem and what was there to do but have more fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noah in the heart of of our good family friends! We have just a little fun together whether boating, camping or jammin' at the house!
How fun is this? Joe is the baby eating and it was our first time meeting. So fun to meet him after having only seen pics of him on the baby blanket. His mom, Lauren, is putting together a quilt and it was fun to give her a class on binding before the party got crazy!
May we always be young at heart as Wanda reminds me us that silly is the BEST!
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