Sometimes a quilt takes a lot of whacking and reworking and more whacking....I have a ziploc full of scraps from all the whacking.....And then amidst the sadness of the Boston tragedy today, I email and text with friends and create this medallion. It was a journey in my mind as I pieced it, remembering the years of watching my father run marathons, hearing his stories after returning home from the Boston Marathon, my own summer at Harvard during a summer vacation and my young brother remarking to us while walking around the city, "See Boston and Die...." What was funny when he was 8 is heartbreaking to me today. Life is such a spectrum of emotion depending on the context of the moment. LOVE.....

LOVE is finding my son and husband chilling on the turf in Woodinville after a pick up game of soccer....

LOVE is playing Lacrosse with friends during Spring Break and me basking in the sun under a quilt reading a good book....

LOVE is spending a week with my sibs and mom and 2 nephews last month.....

LOVE is that heartache and giggle all at the same time as I am quilting and homesick for my sis and mom.....LOVE is whole lot of spice withing 4 little letters!

LOVE is the Godwinks......what are the chances that I would take my sewing machine to a friend's house today while watching her children and a Valentine card would be on the counter that is the same color scheme as my current LOVE project.....LOVE is finding the saturated joys of LIFE!