Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mom, You are amazing!!!!! CELEBRATING her talent for color and applique!

And the invisible writing is, "Em, How fun is this- I have been working on this while you were doing your applique card!!!"  She sent this in reply to my texted photo of the quilted Mom Day card.  A sort of quilting-Godwink....My mom is amazing!  Beautiful job, Mom!!!


♥Duff said...

I most heartily agree--Beautiful job, Mom!!! Now we know where Em gets her creativity--it's genetic!

Pamela said...


ria vogelzang said...

We have a saying in the Netherlands: "Like mother, like daughter"..........!
Well, that certainly is true!!!!!!
Love your Mom too!!

Judi said...

Wow it's easy to see where the talent came from in your family. It's in the genes!

Jenny said...

Em's Mom you are amazing!!

Vesuviusmama said...

Oh, yes, your mom is very talented, and I love the COLORS!