Monday, May 10, 2010

There are flipsides to holidays....CELEBRATING the full spectrum!

This morning I feel like I am in a vortex of random thoughts and a GODWINK.  I work in a career and also am a human everyday woman where holidays are not always a day of happy CELEBRATION

but a day of reverence for loved ones who have died, are dying and it is the last holiday for them, a child whose mother succombed to drugs and the child is placed in a home with a new "mom", or a reminder of..... 

I experienced interesting random feelings yesterday as texts of love and greetings would pop on my phone or blog or email or phone calls.  Grateful for my children, my own mother, but also thoughtful of women who wish to be a mother, celebrating the first Mother"s Day with their mom now in heaven, or a dying mom whose last Mother's Day was 2010...I send you support and my heart in hopes that you are consoled and surrounded by a person or group of people who love you and can comfort you and can bless you with what your heart requests.

I took these pics this morning after turning around and driving back to a local Home and Garden store, I give God credit for asking my to stop along the way....

I CELEBRATE you or a person you may know whose one goal was to make it through  Mother's Day....and CELEBRATE the spectrum of emotions God blessed us human sould with!

There is sunshine in my soul today...a favorite hymn from my childhood...


Artists who created these fabulous sculptures!

A sculpture's heart....reminded me of my brother-in-law's career as a heart surgeon for babes and children and the courage to be an organ donor and the joy of life as a recipient.

life so fragile.....

My mother's day card from Noah.  A favorite of mine for so many reasons....He has been practicing his shadows and I so enjoy that he did not have the whole shadow included on the card, the love of crosses by our family and was a reminder to me of Mary on Mother's Day and finally the touching detail...a close up below......

Harley Dog's collar and name tag....Harley is getting skinnier and acting more aloof but still present in our family....Was Noah in tune that this may by my last Mother's Day with Harley...
What a wonderful celebration of Jesus, Harley, artistry and homemade greeting cards!


Char said...

Thank you so much for the post today Em. It reaally touched me. You're right, Noah probably had that on his mind. It's a beautiful card.

Sam said...

Thank you. Very hard day. You brought it home.

Sandra Henderson said...

Oh my. I have tears in my eyes. AMAZING post! My friend's mother is going through chemo for a second time, so this was a hard mother's day for her. My relationship with my own mother has been strained for MANY years, so always think of that. Though, it's getting easier, you still can't help but reflect. Then my new grandbaby and my daughters first official, but second mother's day and thoughts of the future... Yes, an ecclectic mix of emotions for me this year also. I can only imagine how you must go through this on a daily basis...
God Bless you honey, and all that you do.
You DO make a difference. Easy for me to see this...
(Do you work at a nursing home? hospital? travel to folks homes?) I'll get caught up...

You really must frame this art from your son. It's fabulous! Thanks for letting us in on the personal details of it, which explain so much. So pure and sweet. May he always be this way. :)

Vesuviusmama said...

Oh, Noah's card put tears in my eyes!

Denette said...

Well said Emily!

Bri!!! said...

Oh Em, Happy mothers day to you! Jp and Jess stayed with us on their way to Tennessee. We were talking about you (as I was showing them my new prized possession, your quilt), and have decided you are truly an angel walking on this earth. Love you Em!

ria vogelzang said...

Thanks for you lovely post! Love the Card from Noah!
Enjoy your family!!

Judi said...

Love Noah's card. Wonderful post. Love you!