Monday, August 30, 2010

"JOY": When I say it out loud I smile...Do you?

The beginnings of the little sister for "The House that Love Built".  May your Tuesday be filled with JOY!

Such a fun word becasue you can't feel anything but JOY when proclaiming out loud....


ria vogelzang said...

You can't say JOY without smiling.......
Ever tried .....???!!!
Wishing you a very JOYISH day!! :)))

Judi said...

Joy to the World the Lord is come!

Love your updated blog design with photo from your life and loves.

Where is the kitten?

Tonya Ricucci said...


♥Duff said...

Yes! I smile outside but feel the warmth inside--what a treat!

Vesuviusmama said...

I'm smiling! I want to make some of these letters/words tonight!

maree said...

ooohhhh. Smiling and skipping. Who wouldn't have a smile when they looked at this:)

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Just you typing that, makes me smile! I can fee l your JOY all the way over here on the east coast!