Happy Friday! With the chilly morning temp and the energy in my soul, wanted to sprinkle some pinks, yellows and butterfly blues on your day!
This quilt is one that speaks HAPPY to me and a sense of whimy about it and so I celebrate the 2 today as I travel to visit the little girl who this quilt belongs to....HARLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and shhhhh. I have a secret....she is getting her own teeny pair of cowgirl boots....if you have followed my blog, Do you recall the pic when we are at the corral and she is in my hat and boots, A fav of mine and we will take another this weekend but with us both in our boots....I LOVE BEING AN AUNTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And as I have sprinkled some pink on your day, I thank you for the sprinkles on my days when you write!!! As I was travelling home two nights ago from the field, I was entertained by Vesuviusmama counting down her husband's basketball game and to read the note, "THEY WON!" was incredible...They beat the #10 ranked college team.....or when I wake to Beth this morning celebrating her neighborhood giveaway and me "oohing" as she speaks of readinig sweet notes that were sent with the houses to her and wishing I could have been there to draw out the names of the winners.....or going through my spam and finding an emotional lovely note from Patty about Christmas and her parents.....and of course the silly notes from Jenny and I am laughing out loud or Ms. D and her jingles....I could go on and on and you know the stories as we share them daily.
and one that keeps me on the edge of my seat.....Will Victoria come to Utah to teach a class?......
or.....will I see friends when I am Sisters at the end of the month or in Paducah in April....
or will my interview for Quilter's Newletter and my quilts bemof interest and they choose me from their selection?.......
I could go on and on and this year is going to be marvellous as we share the ROLLER COASTER together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on the giggles, fear and tears....We are all in it together!
Love you! Em
Yes!!! I hope it is the answer to all that you are wondering. It is snowing here today. And your sprinkle of pinks have made me happy! Good day to be thinking of spring and all the possibilities!
Happy day to you!
Oh.. BTW you are such a good auntie!
I love you Em. Your so inspiring and have such a wonderful outlook on life it is an honor to be able to share that with you.
If Quilters newsletter does not pick you they will be keeping their readers from meeting a great artist and person. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Can not wait to see the photo of you and your niece in your boots and thanks for the sprinkle of pink!
I'm loving seeing this quilt again. We have snow here but I don't mind, lots to do inside.
Quilter's Newsletter? How 'bout you! That's wonderful, I hope they select you too!
I keep telling my husband I'm going to get some genuine cowgirl boots someday myself. Congrats to Harley! Enjoy those boots!
Hi,Just stumbled across your blog this week, I don't know how - but WOW I am so inspired by your wonderful colours and your sprinklings of joy.Its a real ray of sunshine to a wintery week - THANK YOU for sharing x Julie
wheee all the way around. cute quilt. fingers crossed for you!!!
You did an interview with Quilter's Newsletter? This is news to me-somehow I missed this? Oh, I will send good thoughts your way for helpful people!!
Your enthusiasm is unparalleled and love for life infectious so I have no doubt that we will see you name in lights soon!
Happy New Year, Em! Hope all your dreams for 2011 come true! And just love you sister's Village Green quilt below!!
I feel so loved and how fun that we are all gathered for a sort of cyber coffee/breakfast moment as we celebrate one another!! Charlotte and Julie, will you email me your email addresses so I can send you a note? Thanks for the love, girls!!!!!! The domino effect of friendship play again!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm feeling really happy as I look at that beautiful quilt and I am sure it will be well loved.
It sounds like 2011 is going to be an exciting year for you. It will be fun to follow along.
Oh so much goodness!!! WHAT FUN!!!!! Love all the good news bits, it's good to keep you on the edge of your seat... hugs!
Thank you for the brightness today. Looks like a great year ahead! Hope you'll show us the little cowgirl in her boots.
What a happy looking quilt. Reminds me of you!!
That quilt is just soooo happy!
I will look forward to seeing your interview in QNM ~ positive thinking = positive results, right? RIGHT!!!
I love the quilt -sooooooooooooooo cute! - I hope they pick you!
feels like ive been missing out! all the info packed into little tid bits! gorgeous quilt of course...Sisters...and Paducah? would love to go too! quilters newsletter? please keep us posted!
So many reasons - and PEOPLE - to celebrate! Enjoy your weekend with Harley! Can't wait to see the "big boots, bitty boots" photo!
Your quilts are always so fun and vibrant - just like you! I enjoy all of your posts - short long and in between. And if QN has any brains at all, they will most definitely pick the most up beat and fun person I know.
Yes a picture of boots for sure! What a new year for you! Quilters Newsletter WOW let us know how that goes.
This is a very happy quilt. I know one little girl that is going to be very happy. Hope your quilt gets picked for the newsletter. That would be awesome.
I love everything about the quilt. It would be great having you as an aunt. Good luck for all your 2011 ventures.
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