How awesom are these book covers and chapter titles from 2 different books?!!!! Can you imagine that GodWinks was on the bargain row at Barnes and Noble and this workbook about LDS scriptures was next to the pharmacy at Lin's? Bargains that are priceless, I love oxymorons!!!
The giveaway game for this post will be very fun! Pls comment your text you would send God if you had received the above texts from him. No limit on characters. Everyone who submits a comment will be put in a hat for the drawing. Pls pass on the giveaway and if people of all ages participate then have them say you sent them so you can get an extra name in the hat! Would love to have some teenagers participate, but when they are not driving!!!!Drawing will last through this Sunday at midnight. What better way to celebrate Valentines then sharing lovely thoughts with God who got this holiday thing started. To think he loved us enough to sacrifice his son!
Thnx b 2 u Gd, LOL!
thnx 4 the chnce at life!
-jess w.
Dear God,U are awesome!! Thnx for Ur life U gave 4 us!! XXXXXX U!!
I luv u.
luv u thx for all our blessings!
P.S. PLZ send down that little one ASAP!
God, I lv U2
tnxs, we'll pay it forward
we give it all 2 u!
Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur GR8!
What a cute question. I'm usually a long texter. So I probably would text so much to him. Mostly questions! Life is fragile. I think we need to keep that thread strong. I loved the book cover with the words about coincidence. I have a wonderful coinidence story about quilting that I have been wanting to write up and submit to a magazine or the Ensign. I need to do it! So funny that I've been thinking (again) about this, this past weekend.
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