Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday's Mantra- it's a giveaway!....Big things come in little packages......

Shrine is used for CELEBRATING!!!!!

You will want to enter the giveaway to win the above book, it is packed with LARGE inspiration!!!

M is for Mini/ MINNIE Mouse....Can you tell where I would like to be for this Spring Break?  Shhhhhh, Don't say it out loud.....From the book by artist, BRITTO.  

BIG spice, teeny bottle

Big and Little my home BIG and little CATS

A joke for your Monday, What did daddy jam say to Jam Jr?

"Son, it's just fine to be the mini layer in the PBJ sandwich....."BIG flavor, mini spread...

Sometimes a random picture/ statement can make a BIG statement!

Theme of the week, mini minis and more minis.....Have you read this wonderful quilt book that CELEBRATES the Mini quilt?  

Well, I Hope you have not but that my little taste has wet your appetite and you would like to win it in a giveaway.....

Giveaway will go for the next week until Sean's birthday on the 21st.....How do you win?

Well, leave a comment, link on your blog to this giveaway, bring a smile to someone's heart and tell me about it, CELEBRATE THE tiniest detail you note that has BIG impact or......Just tell me hi and that you would like to win the book.  After all there is a big love in that little comment!!!

Good luck and along the way...

I have constructed a new sketch for a FUN house....with the selvage as inspiration, HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS.....Do you have a guess at what it will be?  I awoke so early with the idea and cannot get home soon enough from work to play with it!

plus a CELEBRATION of Chagall, plus....

Love, Em


Janet said...

How about mini accomplishments and pleasures? That's what I'm trying to measure my life by. This morning there were four caribou on the road when I was driving to work. Seeing animals in the wild makes my heart glad. I had three minutes with my DD # 2 this morning. Life is good. Happy week to you Em.XO

Mama Pea said...

Em, that looks like a great book that really is full of inspiration!

The first thing that comes to my mind is "I wish I was 'mini' enough to wear a mini skirt!"

There, hope that brought a smile to your face! Ha!

Needled Mom said...

I was thinking of a "mini" human - a new baby. That always brings smiles to everyones face.

I can't wait to see the new house. Sounds interesting.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

My mini doxies bring me the biggest amount of joy each and every day! As does reading every little last word of your blog.

Judi said...

Em is that book from the store when you got the letters? Fun

Marcia W. said...

This afternoon I'm celebrating the arrival of visitors that I have not seen in several years: two Aunts and an Uncle from out-of-state. Thanks for the giveaway em.

Lynn said...

I've seen that book and even put it in my online shopping cart once, but took it out and haven't purchased it yet. Not sure what I'm waiting for, maybe I'm waiting to win one!

Mary said...

The book sounds like fun. Mini brings to mind"Minny Mouse" I know she is big, but still Minny. Thank you for sharing.

Vicky F said...

Hi Em,
You're going great guns with the itty bitty kitty theme. Your new baby kitties are so cute; I wish I could touch them (if mama cat would let me).
I would like a chance at your mini book, please.

Love the way you "arranged" your sock blocks. I'm sure your quilt will be cute; I have to decide how mine are going to go....
Vicky F

Char said...

Mini tumblers. I'm making tumbler blocks that finish at 1". Yikes!
Love the teeny Tabasco.

Michele T said...

The book looks great!! I love teeny tiny stuff!!

Anonymous said...

A girl's best friend always come in a wee package!
I love the tiny Big Spice and Jam Junior. Cute

Nancy Bowron said...

I just recently found your blog and love the cheeriness of it all. Thanks for the inspiration and winning the book would be like icing on the cake : )

Deborah in Atlanta said...

TINY stitches have a BIG impact on any quilt. Make those stitches too big and your quilt will start unraveling. Thanks for the opportunity to win. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Deb said...

What I think is mini that makes a BIG impact would be sending a simple postcard or quickie note to someone to receive in the mail. Snail mail is all but forgotten these days of email. I recently sent out several quick newsy letters..not much of anything really...but oh, the oohs and aahs I received because friends had actually gotten a personal letter in the mail. I'm sure the love and kindness lasted for days! I'd love to win your giveaway.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...


Great book

Anonymous said...

Kinda like Deb, above, I use mini cards that are blank inside and send notes of encouragement to peeps that I know. Sometimes it is a get well note, sometimes they are just having a rough week, sometimes they lost a ball game, or worse, they lost a loved one. It only takes a "minit" and that mini card works wonders (I've been told!)
Jacque in SC

Unknown said...

a mini stroll around blogland at the beginning of each day puts a spring in my step, a smile on my face, warms my heart and fires my imagination - thank you for your contribution to kick-starting the day - I love to see your beautiful colours in your choices of fabrics

Unknown said...

Cute post. :) I've posted on my blog about it, so maybe you will get "mini" posts on your blog... hehe. Ok I made myself laugh... word play. :)

Vesuviusmama said...

Well, I've not been very accessible lately, but I'm glad I found a moment to check you out and share my latest story about one of the minis in my life who has a HUGE heart.

Monday, Jason came home distressed about a boy in his class whom others were teasing because of an unfortunate (and EXTREMELY short) haricut. We talked about it a bit, and later that evening, he told me he wanted to shave his head, his precious curls that he has refused to cut for WEEKS now despite my pleading that he looked like a ragamuffin, to show the other boy that short hair is OK, it grows back, and to show the other kids that a haircut is not a reason to tease anyone. He set his alarm 20 minutes early on Tuesday, and woke me up so I could shave his head. I wasn't sure how short he meant, so I put the 3 guard on the clippers and cut. Nope, shorter, he said. I put on the 2 guard and cut. Nope, shorter, he said. I finally put on the 1 guard and cut, and with just a shadow of hair on his head, he said that was just right. And off he went to school with his shorn head held high to stand next to the boy who was being bullied and support him. My little 8 year old makes grand gestures from the heart, and I couldn't love him more. If only more people would stand up for others and show solidarity with others and put themselves in others' shoes more often. Sometimes it takes a "mini" to make us sit back and evaluate if we are each doing enough to support our fellow human beings.

Karen said...

I am expecting a new grandbaby in August, so right now it is still a mini person :). We can't wait!

Linda said...

I love mini quilts!! So DOABLE!!

Patty said...

Hi Em, so many cute things on your last posts. I just getting to reading some blogs, been busy. The mini thing I love to CELEBRATE is Carson, my 7 month old grandson. But he's not so mini anymore. I cannot believe how fast he is growing. Lots of other new cupboards! Yea! And the guy measured for the counter top today. So we should get them soon. Right now everything from the cupboards is in boxes in the living room. Looks like a episode of Hoarders. Yikes!! Love you, your such an inspiration. Patty

Terri. said...

Great giveaway...thanks for the chance to win.

Jenny said...

hi em...sorry ie been absent fromt eh comment section of your blog lately! never enough time, huh? happy birthday to sean!