Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Make a wish!"

I have missed not working on an AAQI piece. I arrived home this evening and thought of a story..."Em, how about you if create a tiny quilt that tells the story of a woman who was scared she would lose all memories when an old woman....On her 28th birthday she closed her eyes, blew out the candles, and made a wish...." And on her 98th birthday she smiled and was happy....She still remembered the day she was a birthday princess and the world was fantastical.....

Love, Em


Janet said...

That is a fabulous story!

antique quilter said...

I LOVE this story! I will be smiling all day thinking about it
you just made my day!

Michele Bilyeu said... someone with 15 of her family members having, or having had, Alzheimer's Disease..your are telling my story, dear friend. And of course I am only 28..hahaha. No, seriouly with my severe sleep deprivation, I feel like I am 98 and it is only by infinite grace I am still able to keep going.

Every day I pray that this vile disease will bypass me!!!!!!! Prayer warrior woman, light me a candle, say a rosary, and send in those quilts to AAQI!

This time, register the wonderful little thing so prayers and blessings can be seen and appreciated and bid on by the multitudes and I can wake up at 98 and still remember!!!!

Snoodles said...

Wonderful story, Em, and I'm sure it is a prayer that all of us have whispered, when we care for or hear about a loved one who has lost those precious memories to Alzheimers. A special little quiltie, girl, you and Roxy rock!!

Sandra Henderson said...

I often wonder what will flash through my mind when I'm old... I know that knowing you and your lovely work will make for birghter memories. I've enjoyed catching up with you tonite! GREAT photo of you !!!~

maree said...

Wouldn't it be great Em if we could actually just wrap up all our memories in a piece of our favourite fabric (although I'd have trouble choosing just one) pop it away and then when we needed to be able to unwrap it on whim to release the memory required? Having had a parent with Alzheimers I know how sad and cruel it is to watch as the person you know slowly (and in my case not so slowly) forgets who you are - I became just a lovely young lady with two lovely young children who visited, rather than the daughter he had nurtured and spent many hours and years making memories with. ANYWHO, thanks Em for your idea....wish I had fabric to create a wee treasure with to hold my memories - maybe when I head home for Christmas. Ciao

quiltzyx said...

That is a wonderful story Em!
I will blow out MY candle & wish that it will be TRUE....