I couldn't do it, I couldn't exclude the sweet little boy babes in this world!!!!!!!! So, the giveaway continues but want to include a little boy also. Who wants this for a sweet little babe, tell me a story and enter to win!
Tonight I had a hankering to create a wonky girlie receiving blanket and so I played around with some scraps. POOF! I am so excited with all of the boys being born, but I have no girls on the way....
I will take this quilt to the quilter tomorrow. I will collect comments on this post until I get it back and then all people who submit a family expecting a baby girl or have a special story about a little girl that would love this quilt will go into a drawing and be the giftee! The little girl can be as young as newborn or 96 or 32 or 55 or 12 1/2 or....Would love the story to go with the nominee if you care to share.....
Put out the word......
I have a story for you. I live in Lexington Virginia where there are two colleges. This story revolves around Virginia Military Institute. My now fiancĂ© and I adopted cadets from the Institute to get them to church and feed them and get them off post. We really connected with one – Jared. He got married in the month following his commissioning in the Marine Corps and graduation. He is now stationed over in Afghanistan serving while Laura is expecting their little girl with a due date of March 27th. We are awaiting Abigail’s arrival and about a month latter Jared’s return from his first tour.
March marks the one year anniversary of when my husband and I started trying for baby number three. So far, no luck. I haven't necessarily admitted this out loud because I certainly don't want my guys to think I am not positively in love with all three of them, but I sure wouldn't mind having a girl around the house. Even all my pets are male! So, we'll see what the future holds for us. If I never become pregnant, or never have a girl, I do have the cutest niece in the world who absolutely loves anything pink.
Em, how do you do this? You "play around with some scraps" and POOF! A work of art!
Your amazing personality is part of every quilt you make--any girl/woman will be blessed to have something made by you!
p.s. i'm Irish so maybe I can give vesuviusmama some pointers... :O)
p.s.s. this is a comment, not an entry for your giveaway!
That quilt is so cute and will be back from the quilter and have the binding on just in time for my very first Granddaughter who is scheduled to arrive at the end of April!!
Just an update. Abigail arrived on her due date! Mom and baby are doing great! They were able to set up Skype and the father was able to see the birth of his daughter.
Hi Em!
I am one of the dozen quilters on http://adozenquilters.blogspot.com
I love wonky, too!! Your quilts are gorgeous. :)
how on earth do I narrow it down to just one story with 3 little boys.... here goes.
My older two have lots of toys (like all kids I imagine) but their favorite thing to play with - socks. Yep, socks. They put their dinosaurs in them so that the dinos have sleeping bags, put cars in them so they can carry more at a time, flap them around and use them as wings, and almost constantly have their "gloves" on. On Monday, they were "fly killers" both armed with a sock on each hand in pursuit of one rogue fly. The fly finally landed where my 4 year old could reach him, on the living room window. What did he do you ask? Why, what any self-respecting 4 year old "fly killer" would do - he punched the window where the fly was. Sadly, his aim was off, and the fly lived. The window, however, was an innocent victim and will be replaced as soon as the weather warms up. He broke his first, of what I am sure will be many to come, window. The glass is still intact, but it's got a HUGE crack in it. The fly was unphased though, and kept returning to the seen of the attack. He wasn't, however, prepared for Attack of Daddy and the Packing Tape. So I had a fly (and after the boys got done with him - his guts) taped to the window in my living room for a few hours on Monday. Let me just tell you - ONLY BOYS!
Oh, and my boys are 4, 2, and 9 weeks. I still have years of "stories" ahead of me. *sigh* :)
A story that still makes me chuckle and happened only 3 months ago:
My 3 year old grand daughter attends preschool and I help out my daughter 3 days a week when PGD has school, she is left with me instead of daycare. It so happened that besides getting her pancake breakfast which she loves in the morning, that my daughter dropped her off with a gift that needed wrapping for school that day for a Christmas PArty.
Made pancakes, swashed her face, ran downstairs to get the wrapping paper and back up to wrap the gift. DOne! Phew. Well as I was picking up the remnants of the wrapping I took the rolled paper and "Boinked " my precious GD with it. She quickly grabbed the paper tube and announced with a wicked gleam in her eye, "MeME, pretand this is a bat and you are a Pinata!" I laughed but started running at the same time. Where do children come up with what they do? Too cute! It still makes me smile whenever I think of it, thanks for allowing me to share.
What a nice giveaway and you quilts are beautiful and spunky. Thanks for hosting it.
My daughter is expecting in July. Don't know yet if it's a girl, but that's what this grandma is hopeing for so I can dress her in cute clothes.
We just had our second baby girl, we love her to bits! However, everything we have is gender neutral since we didn't find out what we were having with either of our girls, thus we would LOVE this awesome quilt for our sweet new bundle of joy so she can get something girlie! Thanks for the great giveaway!
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