Thursday, October 28, 2010

I can't stop this mayhem of CELEBRATION!!!!! This time it's my mom's fault!

How fabulous is this block that my mom sent me?  She is working on a very capricious Piece O' Cake pattern.  Loving the purple and the wonky sashing! 


Janet said...

Beautiful, beautiful! If my mom had been a quilter she would have loved these colours. Maybe she's fondling fabric in heaven :)

Jenny said...

fabulous! im about ready to start a piece o cake scared silly!

maree said...

Ahhhhh - that explains it all - it's in the genes:) Lovin the brightness and the wonkiness. Your mum must be so young (in both body and spirit). My mum was creative in needlework but was not into bright colours - I seem to have rebelled in that way!!!!! Ciao

♥Duff said...

wow, Em, you are so fortunate to have a mom who is so talented--and I agree with maree--what a round up of mayhem you, Mom, and Sharon make!

Nifty Quilts said...

Aren't you a lucky girl to have such a talented mom! Who got who into quilt making?

ria vogelzang said...

I can see where you've got your talent from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judi said...

I love it!!! The apple has not fallen far from the tree with the daughters. Love her colors and her applique.

Vesuviusmama said...

Hey, give your mom MY address for the next time she has an extra block to give away! :)