Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Another celebration...why not... it's almost Christmas!!!

What a huge day for me and my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My sis and her husband and 2 adorable babes arrived this afternoon from Ohio and I consider Santa having come early and brought them! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when I can't see it getting any more delightful....

Crystie calls and lets me know the stained glass project I commissioned is done and VOILA!!!!! Here's to Crystie's talent with glass!!!! The story behind this piece she created is for my pseudo siter-in-law who thinks of her mother when seeing the blue speckled camping tin eating ware. Crystie came up with this interp for her. Kailani, her daughter, is pictured with the piece.

I love the world of crafting and quilting and the friendships that derive from the creative process!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Judi said...

What a beautiful piece of art! I love that you are so enthusiastic about art. My latest quilt I had to keep your words in my head about leaving the imperfection, it drove me crazy, but I did not unpick! I am so glad your sister is there! I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

ria vogelzang said...

What a lovely stained glass project!! It's a real beauty!!
Whishing you a wonderful time with your sister and her family!!! Enjoy eachother and the Christmas-spirit!!!

Em said...

Ria, I am so hoping that the spirit of Christ was full for you yesterday on his birthday and for the coming years and blog visits! Peace!!! Em