Monday, September 13, 2010

Seeing REDS on Harley's Birthday! Whirling pinwheels for the Whirling Dervish

It is a great day at work when I can get so much accomplished on the current quilt in my home!  I feel so blessed to have the freedom to work from home when the tasks can be done in my quilting sanctuary. 

And this quilt I am going to call "WHIRLING DERVISH".....
in honor of the birthday prince:

Taken 13 years ago when a newborn in my life.  My favorite photo of all time of him! 

I love this boy beyond the limits of love and we have had a wonderful day together!

If he make it to his next birthday, He and Grandma Dorothy will both CELEBRATE their 88th birthday the same year...SO FUN!

(He has earned the nickname of Whirling Dervish with his blindness and deafness that leads him into doing circles around the house....)

....."and many more on Channel 4!"


Tangos Treasures said...

Happy Birthday Harley!!!

Judi said...

Happy Birthday Harley! Give him a pat or two from me!

RaeAnna said...

Oooh La La! Loving it!
Another beautiful creation and a special tribute to your baby Harley! :)

Sew Pretty Dresses said...

Happy Birthday sweet puppy! Well of course he's not a puppy now but nice to be called young on your birthday right!?! I love your quilt the colors are so pretty!

pratima said...

Hi Em, the colors are gorgeous and pinwheels so cute! Happy Birthday to Harley!!!
Hope you had a wonderful summer! It's getting so chilly already for us :)