
We are going to..................................
DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, that's right me and all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on, the fun-bus is ready and stocked with lots of goodies, and of course.....Mickey Mouse ears :).
If you are new to the "FUN BUS" excursions....hold on to your hat, it's way too fun!
How you play this game with me is that you comment on this post and I take a photo of where I was when it came through on my phone. I then will post the photo of where I was and attach name of who was "with me" at the moment on Monday night when I arrive back home. I will put your name into a drawing and the winner will receive the art quilt I will hand stitch while driving to California and playing in the hotel room when I just can't take another line at the park :)! Each time you post through the weekend, another chance in the drawing....
Attached are photos of the 2 projects that are up for drawings.
The wonky star quilt for a sweet boy of any age will be quilted on the road trip tomorrow. As of now, I have one contestant in the running and more stories would be fun. Once the hand quilting is done, then the drawing is closed. I will announce winner on Tuesday.
The second drawing is for the wall quilt for the Fun Bus game. It will be a miniature of my Flower Baskets pictured at top of this post. and right now attached is their status.................. Excited to start creating the "bouquets" with stick glue and hand stitching....Definitely a grand prize and incentive to travel with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you refer someone to the post have them mention you and you can get an additional chance in the drawing.
Or...If you attach a story about Disneyland then you get double entry for that comment.
In other words, CELEBRATE with me the magic of............DISNEY!
Awwwwww I love Disneyland!!!, and I have a crush on Mickey Mouse, can I join the bus game?, maybe I'm lucky enough you squeeze him for me!!!
You're such fun!! I've never been to Disneyland. Hope you all have a very great week!!!!!
Love to see your pictures and hope lots of people comment on your blog!!
Love to all of you! And have FUN!!!!!!!!!
Cool!! I've never been to Disneyland either!!
Can't wait to see all the fun pictures!!
em, I got up early to work out, but i might just sit here and leave comment after comment for a chance to win!! Disneyland HERE WE COME!!
Oooh fun! Have a wonderful, safe trip! Maybe I can entertain you with some more stories. Here's a quick one. My middle son is definitely a "monkey see, monkey do" kinda kid. And he does everything his older brother does, says everything his older brother says, etc. One of his latest words is "stupid." Only he has a bit of a problem enunciating... so it comes out "poo-pid." When he gets in trouble now, I can hear his cute little 2 year old voice calling out from the naughty spot "poo-pid Mommy." Nothing like being told off by a 2 year old.
Have fun at Disneyland! I had an awesome time at Disney World back in Oct. It was my first time there and I had a blast!
Have fun! I love Disneyland. We are taking our 6 year old this summer...
Jennifer :)
Yeah! This is going to be fun. Just what I needed after being snowed in for most of February. Nothing better than a trip to Disney!
My sister Jenny said I should stop by and leave a comment to win a quilt..a quilt, really? Jenny is going to teach me to quilt! I have a pattern and fabric ready to go!
Thanks for a chance.
blrohloff at aol com
I have not been to Disney since I was a wee one. Oh the memories you are digging up. :0)
Lets make new ones.
Happy Friday night! Hope you made it safe and sound! Here's another story for you (not an entry into the contest, just a story). It's a Friday during Lent, so it was off to Church for the Fish Fry. Our priest came over to the table I was sitting at with the boys to apologize for not know that our littlest was in the hospital 2 weeks ago. He pounded his fists on the table in sort of a "Hi!" kind of greeting. When he left to go mingle with others, the Munchkin looked at me and said, "Mom, why did God pound on our table?" Have fun tomorrow!
I hope the weather is awesome and you are staying at a fun hotel. If so take a picture of it for us.
Can't wait to see your pictures of Disneyland!! Ride on Space Mountain for my presh. She LOVES that ride!!! :)
Lines getting long yet? I picture you on a roller coaster right now, laughing and smiling, pigtails whirling!
I envy you to be there, well not really!!!, wish you have lots and lots of fun, you deserve it!!!. I have been in Magic Kingdom in Miami, let me remind..., in May 2000 (10 years ago :(), the week after my birthday, gosh!, my inner child was outside and I had lots of fun. I have pics with Peter Pan (I can post it if you want to see it) and a singing lady. I almost miss the chance to take a pic with him, because in the parade, I was screaming his name trying to catch his attention for the pic, LOL, it was SO funny!, I'm not blushing, I was really noisy that time! I love the Cinderella's castle was built with tiny stones, I saw the watch man from Alice in Wonderland but I don't have a pic with him, *sigh*. Hope to see tons of pics from you and one of you wearing the Mickey Mouse ears!, lol
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