Last time I travelled to Price, as detailed in the next post, my Grandpa Dave drove with me. He died last summer and I miss him! The Lego train for Christmas, the drive to Price in his honor this past weekend, and me and my brothers and Melissa spoke often of him this weekend. What a man, I miss you, Grandpa. This is the puzzle quilt I made for his 88th birthday in 2008 and wanted to dedicate this coming year to him! May I puzzle and read and love life as he did for 89 years! Last birthday meal he had a month before he died, steak barbecued by my brothers, he proclaimed as the best steak of his life! We celebrated that memory over our own family steak dinner last night! Long live his legacy in our hearts and our stories we share for future generations!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also had lovely grandparents! So great to have known them, don't you think so?
My grandmother died ten years ago this januari, at the age of almost 93. She was burried on her birthday..... Detail: she loved all of us so much, and prayed if she could have everyone of us together for one more time. Then she was very sick already. God, in His grace, answered her prayer! I think of her very often..... She was a great person, like your grandfather!
Greetz from Holland!
Ria, I so dearly love your notes you write to me and I read this one at 4:15 this morning. It is like having morning coffee with you! I finished your bag last night and am excited to get it off to the mailman today- little different spin on the original but packed with love! Thank you for your writings of your grandma, tear in my eye! We are both so blessed to have such memories of grandparents! Happy Monday to you, Em
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